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Celebrating 18 Years of Yogareal in Albert Park

15 June 2022

Celebrating 18 Years of Yogareal in Albert Park

Bring the Sunshine Back into your life With 3 New Wellbeing Passes for You

Hi Everyone

We’ve been having a wonderful time celebrating 18 Years of Health, Wellbeing and Happiness at Yogareal in Albert Park this last week or so – we officially opened our doors to the public on 5 June 2004.

So many of you have taken up our Wellbeing Two Weeks Unlimited Pass, and it’s been fantastic seeing so many students return who we haven’t seen for a while, and all having such a great time and sharing this uplifting time with us.

Yogareal brings the sunshine back into everyone’s life!

We do this through consciously stimulating the breath in the navel, which is the Solar Plexus (the Sun – Surya – Manipura Chakra) stimulating that through lengthening the navel and therefore activating the breath and the fire in every posture and practice.  This energises and uplifts a person ongoing and is the essence of Wellbeing, Health and Happiness.The way we’ve got the studio set up now, enables that Sun in the navel to be activated with the specific props on the back of each student’s mat, allowing everyone to be working and gaining the most in each posture throughout the whole class, no matter what their situation.

To make it easier to continue to make Health, Wellbeing and Happiness your priority we have 3 New Passes Available for Everyone.  Click on the links below for more details and/or to purchase your new pass:

A one-off pass for everyone to initiate your wellbeing experience.

A direct debit pass to continue your wellbeing experience twice a week ongoing.

A direct debit pass to continue your wellbeing experience three or more times a week ongoing.

Make your practice at Yogareal continuous and consistent to experience Health, Wellbeing and Happiness in your life, and access your sunshine ongoing, and keep your energies strong, vital and uplifted.

Take up the offer, come along and join your friends at Yogareal.

We look forward to seeing you soon.


Rob and The Yogareal Team

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