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Happy Diwali at Yogareal

25 October 2022

Diwali at Yogareal

Happy Diwali Everyone !!

May the Light of Consciousness Shine Brightly Within You Always

and Be Continually Strong and Vital.

Diwali is a special time to focus on dispelling the darkness both internally and externally with inner and outer lights.

Diwali is a five day festival which initiated in India and is now celebrated worldwide.  This year Diwali commenced on Saturday 22 October, and the final day is Wednesday 26 October.  On the New Moon before India moves into the cooler months, great celebrations, fireworks and the lighting of candles uplift the energies at a time when the tendency would normally move into introspection, insulation and potentially illness and depression.  Diwali is a commitment to keep one’s energies uplifted and conscious when life becomes dark and/or challenging.  It is a time traditionally to actively generate health and vitality.

At Yogareal this week we’ve begun and are continuing teaching and practicing headstands and forearm balances against the pillars and wall.  This sets in place in each person length through the side waist and actively generates the inner sun (solar plexus); lower diaphragms (base of the lungs and pelvic floor) to work and push; bringing strength, vitality, alignment and stability.  Now you’re breathing!! Strong dynamic aligned conscious and rhythmic breathing – this is because a person has to push with the breath to overcome gravity and maintain lightness and lift. This process opens, releases and aligns tight shoulders, tight hips, sluggish abdominals, dull or heavy legs, and illuminates and exhilarates sluggish, foggy, and negative consciousness.

Join us at Yogareal to illuminate, invigorate and uplift yourself.


Rob & Theresa & the Yogareal Team

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